Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Big Changes

Today I decided to move up to West Jordan. Since I'm not going to be going to school in the fall, I decided I wanted to be closer to where I work. I found I good apartment with nice roommates and decided to just go for it! It's a little bit scary to be out on your own, not really knowing what you're going to do, but I'm excited. I just keep telling myself that I have to grow up sometime and that there are a billion other people doing the same exact thing. I need to stop just waiting around for my life to begin. I need to make my life begin. This is just a little step in the right direction and I feel good about it. Here's to some big changes and a new adventure!


  1. why are you quitting school? good luck and enjoy the adventure

  2. I'm not quitting. Just taking a break.
