So basically our honeymoon was awesome!! We had so much fun! First of all we stayed in the Anniversary Inn in Salt Lake for 2 nights. We had the Romeo and Juliet room which was AMAZING!! It had a big balcony in the room that was where the bed was. It was just gorgeous! We didn't want to leave!
On Sunday we decided that we would drive until we found a church that was having 1:00 church. So we get in the car and start driving. How hard could it be to find a church in Utah, right? Well let me tell you, it was hard!!! We drove and drove and drove until we finally found one. But it was a singles ward and they didn't start until 1:45. So we get in our car and drive some more. Again we drove and drove and drove until we finally found a church. We walk in and it is once again a singles ward... Oh great... But it was already 1 so we decided just to go with it. So I'm sitting in Relief Society and I look over and guess who's sitting there! Our old Stake President! That's right, on our honeymoon we went to a singles ward in our old stake. At least it wasn't our old ward... But still! It was so funny!
Then we were off to Jackson, Wyoming! On the way up there we stopped in Rexburg so that Brendan could show me where he spent 4 years of his life. He showed me the art classrooms, where he used to live, and where he taught seminary. He really loves Rexburg and was so excited to show me everything.
Everywhere we drove, Brendan wanted to take pictures so that he could paint them later. It was so gorgeous so I don't blame him! It took us about 3 times as long to get anywhere but I really didn't mind at all! It was so much fun to look at the beautiful scenery, drive around, and especially to see Brendan get so excited! Every 5 minutes he would say "Oh Man," stop the car and start taking pictures. I'm not exaggerating either. Every 5 minutes, if that!! It was so cute! And so much fun!
Mostly we went to a lot of art galleries up there. Luckily, Brendan is studying with an incredible artist who is very well known up there so the owners were happy to talk to us and give us some advice. It was so nice of them to take time out of their day and talk to us! We know they wouldn't have if it weren't for Brother Whitaker. We are so grateful for the opportunities he is giving Brendan.
Probably my favorite thing was seeing the wildlife! We decided to go up to Teton village and take the tram. On the drive up there, Brendan of course had to stop and take pictures. I usually just sat in the car and looked around, but one time Brendan came running up and told me there was a deer and I had to come see it! So I ran across the road and down where the deer was. There was another guy down there who told us there were actually 2 deer. What??? Awesome!! So we tried to get as close as we could to them. Turns out there were actually 4 deer! 2 bucks, a doe, and a baby. I was a little nervous about the big one attacking us, so we were really careful. We eventually got within about 20 yards of them. That was as close as we dared to go. It was so cool!! Anyway, we then continued our drive. We were on this little dirt road and I was determined to find another animal. I wanted to see an elk or a moose or something like that, but what we found was even better!!! We're driving and we see a whole bunch of people stopped along the road. They were all looking at something. It was a black bear! I tried my best to take a picture as we drove by. It was so close to the road, I could have stuck my hand out and touched it! Well at that point I thought my life was complete. So I was happy and we kept on driving. Not 2 minutes down the road, we see more people stopped and looking at something. Another bear!! What are the chances of that?? So we stopped and tried to get a picture, but it was kind of hidden in the trees. So we keep on driving. About 5 minutes down the road we see some people stopped and looking something. This couldn't be another bear! That just doesn't happen! Oh but it does! The honeymoon gods wanted to bless us or something. 3 bears!!!!!!! That was so cool!!!! We didn't get any good pictures of them though because we were hurried along by the park rangers. Oh man, my life is pretty much complete now. :)
One sad thing that happened was that we were supposed to go on a hot air balloon ride, but they had to cancel it because of the weather. Sad! I was nervous about it, but it still would have been cool to do. Oh well, maybe another time.
On the way home we took the back country and it was just gorgeous! God must really love us to create such a beautiful world for us to live on. We went by Bear Lake and stopped to get raspberry milkshakes at La Beaus. MMMMM!!!!!! and then drove through Logan. I really didn't want to come home, but it was pretty much the perfect honeymoon! We had a blast!!
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